Your donations to Chinmaya Mission Vancouver will help us spread the priceless knowledge of Vedanta to seekers throughout Canada.
Donations can be made via e-transfer to
Chinmaya Mission Vancouver's membership fees are collected to support the Mission in holding the classes and organising events like Jnana Yagnas. Members get two votes per family and one vote per individual at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held once a year. Membership is mandatory for those who wish to serve on the CM board.
Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) was conceptualised in 2016, the birth centenary year of the inspirational visionary and founder of Chinmaya Mission, renowned Vedantic master and teacher par excellence, Swami Chinmayananda. Your pledge will help change the course of history. Your pledge will leave a positive, sustainable impact on the world.
To donate specifically to our ongoing Centre Fund, please send an e-transfer to or contact for more information.
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